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Writer's picturevancevoetberg

The Unrighteous Side of Chick-fil-A

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

In a world where every facet of society is being crushed by the fast-moving train of progressivism, Chick-fil-A has remained rooted in the grounds of traditional values.

They're known for being a morally upright, set-apart company.

For this, I admire them.

But unfortunately, they've dazzled those who share their values into thinking, or rather believing, that their moral convictions make them nutritionally distinctive from other fast-food restaurants.

That, somehow, it's better to eat at Chick-fil-A than McDonald's.

I regret to tell you that this is not the case.

Eat More Chicken? I Don't Think So

According to its website, the restaurant boasts, "when it comes to chicken, Chick-fil-A is committed to doing the right thing."

What do they mean by "doing the right thing"?

According to them, it's using "natural" chicken that is "never raised with antibiotics."

As I wrote in my post on Chipotle, phrases like "natural" and "never raised with antibiotics"

are meaningless. They're ornamental phrases that are used to exploit your decision-making.

Foods like high fructose corn syrup and seed oils are considered "natural," according to the FDA.

Moreover, it is illegal to use antibiotics in the production of raising meat.

Therefore, when Chick-fil-A brags that their chicken is "never raised with antibiotics," they're bragging about not violating federal law.

Congratulations, Chick-fil-A, you follow the law.

There's nothing quality about Chick-fil-A's chicken. It comes from factory farms, just like every other fast-food chain.

Seed Oils 4 Everyone

After you've eaten a Chich-fil-A chicken sandwich and waffle fries, what your body is experiencing is akin to what New Orleans experienced during Hurricane Katrina: total havoc, harm, and loss.

This is because almost everything that Chick-fil-A serves is doused in toxic seed oils.

Seed oils are not meant for human consumption. They stimulate excessive oxidation which fosters all sorts of chronic diseases.

When you eat Chick-fil-A, you're eating seed oils. When you eat seed oils, you're inflaming your body. When your body is inflamed, disease proliferates.

A Final Petition

I highly regard the company of Chick-fil-A for its moral convictions, but its nutritional convictions are anything but righteous.

Though you may feel fine eating fast food like Chick-fil-A (speaking to my generation here), its imprint on your health and life is decisive.

The manifestation of these consequences may not be immediate, but I assure you – they will manifest.

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Matt Angove
Matt Angove
Feb 22, 2023

Chick 🐣 has not breached my lips. Though the owners podcasts are great.


Ellie Corwin
Ellie Corwin
Feb 22, 2023

I can say that I’ve only been to Chick-fil-A twice in my life - I hated each time a went. I would rather eat an amazing meal in my own home. Thanks for the helpful information!

Feb 22, 2023
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LOVE to hear that you'd rather enjoy a nutrient-dense meal at home rather than food coming from a drive-thru,

Keep it up!


Jacob Rowland
Jacob Rowland
Feb 22, 2023

I knew there was a reason I never go to Chick-fil-A! Glad to know I can now justify my avoidance with my avoidance of the of so evil seed oils!

Feb 22, 2023
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You're on the right track.

We should all skip the drive-thru and get back to our kitchens to create delicious and nutritious meals :)


elise ramez
elise ramez
Feb 21, 2023

Those Pesky seed oils back at it again.

Feb 22, 2023
Replying to

They're omnipresent.

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